Tag Archives: artificial neural network

Case study: Automated recognition of wind farm sound using artificial neural networks

Wind energy has been one of the most widely used forms of energy since ancient times, with it being a widespread type of clean energy, which is available in mechanical form and can be efficiently transformed into electricity. However, wind turbines can be associated with concerns around noise pollution and visual impact. Modern turbines can generate more electrical power than older turbines even if they produce a comparable sound power level. Despite this, protests from citizens living in the vicinity of wind farms continue to be a problem for those institutions which issue permits. In this article, acoustic measurements carried out inside a house were used to create a model based on artificial neural networks for the automatic recognition of the noise emitted by the operating conditions of a wind farm. The high accuracy of the models obtained suggests the adoption of this tool for several applications.


Fault diagnosis for UAV blades using artificial neural network

In recent years, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been used in several fields including, for example, archaeology, cargo transport, conservation, healthcare, filmmaking, hobbies and recreational use. UAVs are aircraft characterized by the absence of a human pilot on board. The extensive use of these devices has highlighted maintenance problems with regard to the propellers, which represent the source of propulsion of the aircraft. A defect in the propellers of a drone can cause the aircraft to fall to the ground and its consequent destruction, and it also constitutes a safety problem for objects and people that are in the range of action of the aircraft. In this study, the measurements of the noise emitted by a UAV were used to build a classification model to detect unbalanced blades in a UAV propeller. To simulate the fault condition, two strips of paper tape were applied to the upper surface of a blade. The paper tape created a substantial modification of the aerodynamics of the blade, and this modification characterized the noise produced by the blade in its rotation. Then, a model based on artificial neural network algorithms was built to detect unbalanced blades in a UAV propeller. This model showed high accuracy (0.9763), indicating a high number of correct detections and suggests the adoption of this tool to verify the operating conditions of a UAV. The test must be performed indoors; from the measurements of the noise produced by the UAV it is possible to identify an imbalance in the propeller blade.
